
21020285 D User’s Guide
Chapter 5 Initiator Mode Pass-through Commands
Page 5 - 2 Introduction
There are two types of commands that you will issue to the RF3880 adapter:
Pass-through and adapter Board-control. Board-control commands are covered
in Chapter 7. This chapter informs you about Initiator Pass-through commands
performed in Initiator Mode. Pass-through commands for Target Mode are
described in Chapter 6.
In Initiator Mode, when the RF3880 adapter receives a Initiator Pass-through
command Parameter Block, it passes a command or message byte through to
the SCSI device that must perform the work. The RF3880 will perform the
necessary negotiation and report the completion status.
A Initiator Pass-through command Parameter Block can contain any SCSI
command available for the peripheral you are addressing. You should refer to
a SCSI and Common Command Set (CCS) specification or your peripheral
vendor manual for more information. This chapter describes the Parameter
Block structure you should use for Initiator Pass-through commands.
This chapter summarizes Initiator Pass-through commands and can be used as
a reference for:
Pass-through command Parameter Block format.
Pass-through command Status Block format.
Pass-through message Parameter Block format.
Examples of usage.