User’s Guide 21020285 D
Chapter 7 Board-control Commands
Identify (05H) Page 7 - 9
Identify (05H)
This command returns a special Status Block that contains information about
the Firmware installed on the board. It can be used to determine board
compatibility and support of options (especially useful if your application
depends on certain functions to be in place on every product). The Board
Information command, discussed in a later section, returns this information plus
Unit Options setup for each target and hardware jumper settings.
The Identify command can be issued with either type of command structure.
Its primary use may be during initialization, which may require use of a Single
Command Structure (due to limitations on available memory at power-up).
The Parameter Block format for the Identify command looks like this:
Description of
The Identify command requires only three fields as explained in the following
Command Identifier
The Command Identifier field is used to identify the Status Block associated
with a Parameter Block. It must be a unique value.
Adapter ID
An FFH indicates that this is a Board-control command.
Command Code
The Command Code for the Identify command is 05H.
Byte Memory Address
Offset + 0Offset + 1Offset + 2Offset + 3
00H Command Identifier
04H Reserved Adapter ID = FFH
08H Reserved
0CH Reserved
10H Command = 05H Reserved
14H Reserved
18H Reserved
Table 63: Identify Command Parameter Block