User’s Guide 21020285 D
Chapter 7 Board-control Commands
Target Mode Disable (0BH) Page 7 - 29
Target Mode
Disable (0BH)
Use the Target Mode Disable command when you wish the adapter to cease
responding to selections from initiators on the SCSI bus. Also with this
command, you can choose how the adapter will respond to selections by
initiators on the SCSI bus after Target Mode is disabled.
The Parameter Block format for the Target Mode Disable command looks like
Description of
Each of the fields used by the Target Mode Disable command are explained in
the following section:
Command Identifier
The Command Identifier is used to identify the Status Block associated with a
Parameter Block. It must be a unique value.
Adapter ID
This field must contain an FFH to indicate that it is an adapter command.
The Flags-1 byte contains specific controls for the operation of the Target Mode
Disable command. The format is as follows:
RBS Return Busy on Selection - This bit determines how the board will
respond to selection by SCSI initiators after SCSI Target Mode is disabled.
0 ⇒ Respond to future selections with unexpected Bus Free.
1 ⇒ Respond to future selections with Busy status and Command Complete
Command Code
This field indicates the command to be executed. For the Target Mode Disable
command, it is always equal to 0BH.
Byte Memory Address
Offset + 0Offset + 1Offset + 2Offset + 3
00H Command Identifier
04H Reserved Flags-1 Reserved Adapter ID = FFH
08H Reserved
0CH Reserved
10H Command = 0BH Reserved
14H Reserved
18H Reserved
Table 85: Target Mode Disable Parameter Block
Table 86: Meaning of Flags-1 Field