Chapter 2 Processor Cards Feature Summary
Voice and WAN Interface Cards
Cisco ICS 7750 System Description
The VIC-2E/M card is a two-port E&M analog interface card (see Figure 2-10).
Use the VIC-2E/M card to connect to PBX or key system trunk lines.
Technical Specifications
Table 2-12 lists the technical specifications for the VIC-2E/M card.
Cisco IOS requirement
• VIC-2FXO-M1, VIC-2FXO-M2: 11.3(4)T or later
• VIC-2FXO-M3: 11.3(6)T or later or 12.0(2)T or later
• VIC-2FXO-M1: FCC Part 68, CS-03 Part I, JATE Blue Book
• VIC-2FXO-M2: CE, CTR-21
• VIC-2FXO-M3: ACA TS002, ACA TS003
Safety conformance UL1950
Spare VIC-2FXO-M1=, VIC-2FXO-M2=, VIC-2FXO-M3=
Table 2-11 Technical Specifications for VIC-2FXO Cards (continued)
Type Description
Table 2-12 Technical Specifications for VIC-2E/M Card
Type Description
Interface type E&M
Address signaling formats In-band DTMF
Out-of-band pulse (10/20 pps)
Signaling formats Immediate, delay dial, wink start
Signaling types I, II, III, and IV
E-Lead current limit 100 mA
M-Lead sensitivity Greater than 3 mA
Pulse distortion Less than 2%
Physical connector Four wire/two wire
Number of connectors/ports Two