Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Web-Based Authentication
Understanding Web-Based Authentication
Figure 11-4 Login Screen With No Banner
For more information, see the Cisco IOS Security Command Reference and the “Configuring a Web
Authentication Local Banner” section on page 11-16.
Web Authentication Customizable Web Pages
During the web-based authentication process, the switch internal HTTP server hosts four HTML pages
to deliver to an authenticating client. The server uses these pages to notify you of these
four-authentication process states:
• Login—Your credentials are requested.
• Success—The login was successful.
• Fail—The login failed.
• Expire—The login session has expired because of excessive login failures.
• You can substitute your own HTML pages for the default internal HTML pages.
• You can use a logo or specify text in the login, success, failure, and expire web pages.
• On the banner page, you can specify text in the login page.
• The pages are in HTML.
• You must include an HTML redirect command in the success page to access a specific URL.
• The URL string must be a valid URL (for example, http://www.cisco.com). An incomplete URL
might cause page not found or similar errors on a web browser.