Cisco IE 3010 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 23 Configuring IGMP Snooping and MVR
Configuring MVR
To return the switch to its default settings, use the no mvr [mode | group ip-address | querytime | vlan]
global configuration commands.
This example shows how to enable MVR, configure the group address, set the query time to 1 second
(10 tenths), specify the MVR multicast VLAN as VLAN 22, and set the MVR mode as dynamic:
Switch(config)# mvr
Switch(config)# mvr group
Switch(config)# mvr querytime 10
Switch(config)# mvr vlan 22
Switch(config)# mvr mode dynamic
Switch(config)# end
You can use the show mvr members privileged EXEC command to verify the MVR multicast group
addresses on the switch.
Configuring MVR Interfaces
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure Layer 2 MVR interfaces:
Step 7
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 8
show mvr or show mvr members Verify the configuration.
Step 9
copy running-config
(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
mvr Enable MVR on the switch.
Step 3
interface interface-id Specify the Layer 2 port to configure, and enter interface configuration
Step 4
mvr type {source | receiver} Configure an MVR port as one of these:
• source—Configure uplink ports that receive and send multicast data as
source ports. Subscribers cannot be directly connected to source ports.
All source ports on a switch belong to the single multicast VLAN.
• receiver—Configure a port as a receiver port if it is a subscriber port
and should only receive multicast data. It does not receive data unless it
becomes a member of the multicast group, either statically or by using
IGMP leave and join messages. Receiver ports cannot belong to the
multicast VLAN.
The default configuration is as a non-MVR port. If you attempt to configure
a non-MVR port with MVR characteristics, the operation fails.