Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
Chapter 7 Environmental Monitoring and Power Management
Understanding Environmental Monitoring
Using CLI Commands to Monitor your Environment
Use the show environment CLI command to monitor the system. This section gives a basic overview of
the command and keywords you will need.
Enter the show environment [alarm | status | temperature] command to display system status
information. Keyword descriptions are listed in Table 7-1.
The following example shows how to display the environment conditions. This output indicates that the
power supplies are different. The switch will use only one power supply and disable the other.
Switch# show environment
no alarm
Chassis Temperature = 35 degrees Celsius
Chassis Over Temperature Threshold = 75 degrees Celsius
Chassis Critical Temperature Threshold = 95 degrees Celsius
Power Fan Inline
Supply Model No Type Status Sensor Status
------ ---------------- --------- ----------- ------ ------
PS1 PWR-C45-2800AC AC 2800W good good good
PS2 PWR-C45-1000AC AC 1000W err-disable good n.a.
*** Power Supplies of different types have been detected***
System Alarms
The system has two types of alarms: major and minor. A major alarm indicates a critical problem that
could lead to system shutdown. A minor alarm is informational—it alerts you to a problem that could
turn critical if corrective action is not taken.
When the system issues an alarm (major or minor) that indicates an over-temperature condition, the
switch does not cancel the alarm nor take any action (such as module reset or shutdown) for five minutes.
If the temperature falls 5 degrees Celsius below the alarm threshold during this period, the alarm is
An LED on the supervisor indicates if an alarm has been issued. See Table 7-2 for more information.
Note Refer to the Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Module Installation Guide for information on LEDs, including
the startup behavior of the supervisor engine system LED.
Table 7-1 show environment Keyword Descriptions
Keyword Purpose
alarm Displays environmental alarms for the system.
status Displays field-replaceable unit (FRU) operational status and power
and power supply fan sensor information.
temperature Displays temperature of the chassis.