Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
Appendix A Acronyms and Abbreviations
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CIR committed information rate
CIST Common and Internal Spanning Tree
CLI command-line interface
CLNS Connection-Less Network Service
CMNS Connection-Mode Network Service
COPS Common Open Policy Server
COPS-DS Common Open Policy Server Differentiated Services
CoS class of service
CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CRF concentrator relay function
CST Common Spanning Tree
CUDD University of Colorado Decision Diagram
DBL Dynamic Buffer Limiting
DCC Data Country Code
dCEF distributed Cisco Express Forwarding
DDR dial-on-demand routing
DE discard eligibility
DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
DFI Domain-Specific Part Format Identifier
DFP Dynamic Feedback Protocol
DISL Dynamic Inter-Switch Link
DLC Data Link Control
DLSw Data Link Switching
DMP data movement processor
DNS Domain Name System
DoD Department of Defense
DOS denial of service
DRAM dynamic RAM
DSAP destination service access point
DSCP differentiated services code point
DSPU downstream SNA Physical Units
DTP Dynamic Trunking Protocol
DTR data terminal ready
DXI data exchange interface
Table A-1 Acronyms (continued)
Acronym Expansion