Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
6 Configuring Supervisor Engine Redundancy Using RPR and SSO 6-1
Understanding Cisco IOS NSF-Awareness Support 6-2
Understanding Supervisor Engine Redundancy 6-3
Overview 6-3
RPR Operation 6-4
SSO Operation 6-4
Understanding Supervisor Engine Redundancy Synchronization 6-6
RPR Supervisor Engine Configuration Synchronization 6-6
SSO Supervisor Engine Configuration Synchronization 6-7
Supervisor Engine Redundancy Guidelines and Restrictions 6-7
Configuring Supervisor Engine Redundancy 6-8
Configuring Redundancy 6-8
Synchronizing the Supervisor Engine Configurations 6-10
Performing a Manual Switchover 6-11
Performing a Software Upgrade 6-12
Manipulating Bootflash on the Redundant Supervisor Engine 6-14
7 Environmental Monitoring and Power Management 7-1
Understanding Environmental Monitoring 7-1
Using CLI Commands to Monitor your Environment 7-2
System Alarms 7-2
Power Management 7-3
Power Management for the Catalyst 4948 Switches 7-3
Power Management for the Catalyst 4500 Series Switches 7-4
Power Management for the Catalyst 4006 Switch 7-16
Power Consumption of Chassis Components 7-19
Powering Down a Module 7-19
8 Configuring Power over Ethernet 8-1
Power Management Modes 8-2
Configuring Power Consumption for Powered Devices on an Interface 8-3
Displaying the Operational Status for an Interface 8-6
Displaying the PoE Consumed by a Module 8-7
9 Configuring Switches with Web-Based Tools 9-1
Configuring and Using the Network Assistant 9-1
Installation Requirements 9-2
Software and Hardware Requirements 9-2