Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
Chapter 37 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN
Configuring RSPAN
Removing Ports from an RSPAN Session
To remove a port as an RSPAN source for a session, perform this task:
This example shows how to remove port 1 as an RSPAN source for RSPAN session 1:
Switch(config)# no monitor session 1 source interface gigabitEthernet1/1
Switch(config)# end
This example shows how to disable received traffic monitoring on port 1, which was configured for
bidirectional monitoring:
Switch(config)# no monitor session 1 source interface gigabitEthernet1/1 rx
The monitoring of traffic received on port 1 is disabled, but traffic transmitted from this port continues
to be monitored.
Command Purpose
Step 1
Switch# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2
Switch(config)# [no] monitor session
} {source {interface
| {vlan
| cpu
]} [rx | tx | both]
Specifies the characteristics of the RSPAN source port (monitored
port) to remove.
For session_number, specifies the session number identified with
this RSPAN session (1 through 6).
For interface-list, specifies the source port to no longer monitor.
Valid interfaces include physical interfaces and port-channel
logical interfaces (port-channel port-channel-number).
For vlan_IDs, specifies the source vlan or vlans to monitor. Valid
VLANs are in the range from 1 to 4094.
For queue_ids, specifies either a set of CPU queue numerical
identifiers from 1 to 32, or a named queue.
(Optional) [, | -] Specifies a series or range of interfaces. Enter a
space after the comma; enter a space before and after the hyphen.
(Optional) Specifies the direction of traffic to monitor. If you do
not specify a traffic direction, the source interface sends both
transmitted (Tx) and received (Rx) traffic. Only received traffic can
be monitored on additional source ports.
• Rx—Monitor received traffic.
• Tx—Monitor transmitted traffic.
• both—Monitor both received and transmitted traffic
Step 3
Switch(config)# end
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4
Switch# show monitor [session
Verifies your entries.
Step 5
Switch# copy running-config
(Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.