
Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2(25)SG
Chapter 10 Understanding and Configuring VLANs, VTP, and VMPS
VLAN Membership Policy Server
The following example shows how to display VMPS information:
Switch# show vmps
VQP Client Status:
VMPS VQP Version: 1
Reconfirm Interval: 60 min
Server Retry Count: 3
VMPS domain server:
Reconfirmation status
VMPS Action: other
The following example shows how to display VMPS statistics:
Switch# show vmps statistics
VMPS Client Statistics
VQP Queries: 0
VQP Responses: 0
VMPS Changes: 0
VQP Shutdowns: 0
VQP Denied: 0
VQP Wrong Domain: 0
VQP Wrong Version: 0
VQP Insufficient Resource: 0
Note Refer to the Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference for details on VMPS statistics.
Troubleshooting Dynamic Port VLAN Membership
VMPS errdisables a dynamic port under the following conditions:
The VMPS is in secure mode, and it will not allow the host to connect to the port. The VMPS
errdisables the port to prevent the host from connecting to the network.
More than 50 active hosts reside on a dynamic port.
For information on how to display the status of interfaces in error-disabled state, refer to
Chapter 5, “Checking Port Status and Connectivity.” To recover an errdisabled port, use the
errdisable recovery cause vmps global configuration command.
VMPS domain server The IP address of the configured VLAN membership policy
servers. The switch currently sends queries to the one marked
“current.” The one marked “primary” is the primary server.
VMPS Action The result of the most-recent reconfirmation attempt. This action
can occur automatically when the reconfirmation interval
expired, or you can force it by entering the vmps reconfirm
command or its CVSM or SNMP equivalent.