Chapter 4 Parameters|
Revision July 2008, EG03, SW V1.06 4-79
Number of data
LRC CHK 0 ‘6’
01H+03H+04H+01H+00H+01H=0AH, 2’s complement of 0AH is F6H.
RTU mode:
RTU mode uses CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) detect value. CRC (Cyclical
Redundancy Check) is calculated by the following steps:
Step 1: Load a 16-bit register (called CRC register) with FFFFH.
Step 2: Excusive OR the first 8-bit byte of the command message with the low order byte of
the 16-bit CRC register, putting the result in the CRC register.
Step 3: Examine the LSB of CRC register.
Step 4: If the LSB of CRC register is 0, shift the CRC register one bit to the right with MSB
zerofilling, then repeat step 3. If the LSB of CRC register is 1, shift the CRC register
one bit to the right with MSB zerofilling, Exclusive OR the CRC register with the
polynomial value A001H, then repeat step 3.
Step 5: Repeat step 3 and 4 until eight shifts have been performed. When this is done, a
complete 8-bit byte will have been processed.
Step 6: Repeat step 2 to 5 for the next 8-bit byte of the command message. Continue doing
this until all bytes have been processed. The final contents of the CRC register are
the CRC value. When transmitting the CRC value in the message, the upper and
lower bytes of the CRC value must be swapped, i.e. the lower order byte will be
transmitted first.
For example, read 2 words from the to address 2102H of AMD with address 01H. The CRC
register content of last byte from ADR to number of data is F76FH. The command message
is as following. 6FH will transmit before F7H.