Chapter 4 Parameters|
Revision July 2008, EG03, SW V1.06 4-23
4.3 Description of Parameter Settings
Group 0: User Parameters : This parameter can be set during operation.
00 - 00 Software Version
Factory setting: Read Only
This parameter displays the software version of AC drive.
00 - 01 AC Drive Status Indication 1
Factory setting: Read Only
This parameter displays the AC drive status.
Code AC Drive Status Explanation
00 No fault occurred
01 oc over current
02 ov over voltage
03 oH over temperature
04 oL overload
05 oL1 electronic thermal relay
06 EF (external fault) EF-DCM is closed
07 occ (AC drive IGBT fault ) IGBT short circuit protection
08 CF3 (CPU failure) Abnormal A/D reading during self-check
09 HPF (hardware protection
Hardware protection function activated during self-check.
10 ocA (over current during
Output current exceeds protection level during
11 ocd (over current during
Output current exceeds protection level during
12 Ocn (over current during
steady state)
Output current exceeds protection level during steady
state operation.
13 GFF (ground fault) Ground fault protection feature activated
14 Lv (under voltage) Low input voltage
15 CF1 EEPROM input data is abnormal
16 CF2 EEPROM output data is abnormal
17 bb (base block) BB is set and activated
18 oL2 (over load 2) Output current exceeds rated motor current
19 Reserved
20 codE software or password protection
21 EF1 (external emergency
EF1 (a multifunction-DCM is enabled)