MLC 104 Plus Series • Introduction
Introduction, cont’d
About Global Configurator
Global Congurator (GC) is a software application that gives
users the ability to create a single conguration le of all of the
controlled devices on their audio/video (A/V) network.
There are two types of devices in an A/V system:
Controllers - Control devices that have serial, relay, I/O, and
infrared (IR) ports for A/V device connectivity; and, for
MLC 104 IP Plus models, an IP Link enabled Ethernet port for
network connectivity.
Controlled devices - Audio/video products, such as video
projectors, displays, VCRs, DVD players, document cameras,
projector screens, room lighting systems: all of the equipment
that is used to generate an audio/video presentation.
Once a “global” conguration le is built, GC then generates a
graphical user interface called GlobalViewer
that allows users
to monitor and control all of the A/V devices contained within
the GC conguration le.
When the conguration le is created, one or more of the
IP Link-enabled controllers on the network can be designated as
a GlobalViewer host device. The completed conguration le is
uploaded to the host device(s). The GlobalViewer interface can
then be launched by opening an Internet browser on a local PC and
entering the host device’s IP address in the browser address eld.
Both MLC 104 Plus and MLC 104 IP Plus models can be
configured with Global Configurator, but only IP models
can act as a GlobalViewer host on a network or send e-mail
Global Configurator application screen