HART Communicator Messages
The following is a list of messages used by the HART Communicator (HC)
with their corresponding descriptions.
• Variable parameters within the text of a message are indicated with
<variable parameter>.
• Reference to the name of another message is identified by
[another message].
Message Description
Add item for ALL
device types or only
for this ONE device
Asks the user whether the Hot Key item being added
should be added for all device types or only for the type of
device that is connected.
All variables
associated with this
variable must be
markedor notmarked
the same.
This occurs if you marked one or more earlier variables and
try to leave the current one unmarked.
If you answer “Yes”, then earlier variables willbe marked or
umarked the same as the current variable.
Command Not
The connected device does not support this function.
Comm error
associated with host
comm port
HC cannot understand the response from the device.
Comm error
associated with field
device comm port
The device sends back a response indicating the message
it received was unintelligible.
Compacting Memory.
May require upto
<nbr> minutes to
When electrically erasable (EE) memory becomes
fragmented, the empty spaces are gathered to form one
large empty space so that a configuration can be stored.
This takes time.
Compare: List of
marked variables are
not the same.
Results of compare function.
memory not
compatible with
connected device
The configuration storedin memory isincompatible withthe
device to which a transfer has been requested.
Device Busy The connected device is busy performing another task.