Message Description
No device description
for configuration in
offline storage
Due to a stored configuration created in the presence of a
DD not now available.
No device description
for deviceat address
The Communicator has not been programmed with a
device description that it can use to communicate with the
device it found at the indicated polling address. The device
information (manufacturer ID, device ID, device revision) is
also displayed.
No Device Found Poll of address zero fails to find a device, or poll of all
addresses fails to find a device if auto-poll is enabled.
No Device found at
address 0. Poll?
The polling option is set to ask before polling.
No Hotkey menu
available for this
There is no menu named “Hotkey” defined in the device
description for this device.
No offline devices
There are no device descriptions available to be used to
configure a device offline.
No online device
connected. Do you
still want to turn off?
Communicator is set up to send configuration to online
device. The device is not connected and you pressed off
key before sending. You are being asked if OK to turn off.
No simulation devices
There are no device descriptions available to simulate a
in ddl for this device
There is no menu named “upload_variables” defined in the
device description for this device. This menu is required for
offline configuration.
No Valid Items The selected menu or edit display contains no valid items.
NOTICE: There are
dependent variables
for this unit variable.
When marking offline variables, there are other variables
that depend on this variable.
NOTICE: Unit relation
variables will also be
If the unit variable is marked then unmark the relation
variable. The unit will be unmarked automatically.
NOTICE: The unit
variable for this
variable is unmarked.
The variable is marked as part of a relation and the unit is
not yet marked. That is, the range may be sent to a device
with units that are not the same as what is stored offline.
NOTICE: Upgrade 275
software to access
functions. Continue
with old description?
You have connected to a device that is a newer revision
than what is linked into the HC.