Message Description
Device Disconnected Device fails to respond to a command.
Device write protected Device is in write-protect mode. Data can not be written.
Device write
protected. Do youstill
want to shut off?
Device is in write-protect mode. Press YES to turn the HC
off and lose the unsent data.
Display value of
variable on Hotkey
Asks whether the value of the variable should be displayed
adjacent to its label on the Hotkey menu if the item being
added to the Hotkey menu is a variable.
Download data from
to device
Prompts user to press SEND softkey toinitiate amemory to
device transfer.
Exceed field width Indicates field width for the current arithmetic variable
exceeds thatspecified in the device description edit format.
Exceed precision Indicates precision for the current arithmetic variable
exceeds thatspecified in the device description edit format.
Ignore next 50
occurrences of
Asked after displaying device status. Softkey answer
determines whether next 50 occurrences of device status
will be ignored or displayed.
Illegal character An invalid character for the variable type was entered.
Illegal date The day portion of the date is invalid.
Illegal month The month portion of the date is invalid.
Illegal year The year portion of the date is invalid.
Incomplete exponent The exponent of a scientific notation floating point variable
is incomplete.
Incomplete field The value entered is not complete for the variable type.
Insufficient space to
store configuration
The Memory Module or data pack does not have enough
memory to store the new configuration.
Looking for a device Polling for multidropped devices at addresses 1–15.
Mark as read only
variable on Hot key
Asks whether the user should be allowed to edit the
variable from the Hot key menu if the item being added to
the Hot key menu is a variable.
No device
configuration in
configuration memory
There is no configuration saved in memory available to re-
configure off-line or transfer to a device.