Message Description
Specifiedfilter passes
no configurations.
Filter reset to ‘*’
The filter automatically reset to all ‘*’. This is due to being
too restrictive while filtering a table of contents.
The rated life of the EEPROM could be used up. Contact
yourservice representative.
Some variables inthis
saved configuration
were not marked
because they were
not read.
This configuration contains write-only variables which
cannot be read. The user must mark and edit these
variables before they will be sent down to a device.
There is unsent data.
Send it before
shutting off?
Press YES to send unsent data and turn the HC off. Press
NO to turn the HC off and lose the unsent data.
Too few data bytes
Command returns fewer data bytes than expected as
determined by the device description.
Field Device Fault. Device returns a command response indicating a fault with
the connected device.
Units for <variable
label> has changed.
Unit must be sent
before editing, or
invalid data will be
The engineering units for this variable have been edited.
Send engineering units to the device before editing this
Unsent data to online
device. SEND or
LOSE data.
Thereis unsent data for a previously connected device
which must be sent or thrown away before connecting to
another device.
Use up/down arrows
to change contrast.
Press DONE when
Gives direction to change the contrast of the HC display.
Value out ofrange The user-entered value is either not within the range for the
given type and size of variable or not within the min/max
specified by the device.
<message> occurred
<variable label>
Either a read/write command indicates too few data bytes
received, transmitter fault, invalid response code, invalid
response command, invalid reply data field,or failed pre- or
post-read method; or a response code of any class other
than SUCCESS is returned reading a particular variable.