Message Description
OFF KEY DISABLED Appears when the user attempts to turn the HC off before
sending modified data or before completing a method.
Online device
disconnected with
unsent data. RETRY
or OK to lose data.
Thereis unsent data for a previously connected device.
Press RETRY to send data, or press OK to disconnect and
lose unsent data.
Hotkey configuration.
Delete unnecessary
There is no more memory available to store additional Hot
Key items. Unnecessary items should be deleted to make
space available.
Overwrite existing
configuration memory
Requests permission to overwrite existing configuration
either by a device-to-memory transfer or by an offline
configuration. User answers using the softkeys.
Press OK... Press the OK softkey. This message usually appears after
an error message from the application or as a result of
HART communications.
Restore device value? The edited value that was sent to a device was not properly
implemented. Restoring the device value returns the
variable to its original value.
Savedata fromdevice
to configuration
Prompts user to press SAVE softkey to initiate a device-to-
memory transfer.
Saving data to
Data is being transferred from a device to configuration
Sending data to
Data is being transferred from configuration memory to a
All variables
associated with this
variable must be
markedor notmarked
the same. Change
This occurs if you marked one or more earlier associated
variables and try to leave the current one unmarked, or if
you unmarked one ormore earlier associated variables and
try to leave the current one marked.
If you answer “Yes” then earlier variables will be marked or
umarked the same as the current variable.
Sort allows you to
group and display
configurations by
their Descriptor, Tag,
or Name.
Allows you to customize your menu displays with the sort
option. It is accessed through Saved Configurations and
operates in conjunction with the Filter option.