
Main Pages
When operating in Land Mode with a destination selected, the Active Route Page is replaced by the
Current Route Page. The Current Route Page shows an arrow indicating the direction of each turn in a
route, along with driving instructions, cumulative distance and time to each turn. When there are more
turns than can be displayed on a single screen, use the UP/DOWN portion of the ARROW KEYPAD to
scroll through the list. You can also scroll through this list and display a map of each turn location.
To display a detail map for a current route turn:
1. With the Current Route Page displayed, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the desired turn and
press ENTER.
2. The turn detail map indicates current speed, distance and time to the turn. To return to the Current
Route Page, press ENTER.
As you are driving along the route, the NRST key can be used from any page to quickly retrieve
the detail map for the next turn. This next turn detail map will remain on the screen for approximately
fteen seconds, or you can press QUIT to return to the previous page.
Current Route Page ( Land Mode)
What is it?
The Current Route Page appears ONLY in Land Mode and dis-
plays information for each upcoming turn in your driving route.
How does it work?
Graphic arrows next to each turn indicate turn direction. A text
description for each turn is provided, along with distance and time
to each turn. This distance and time information is cumulative
from your present position. If the list of turns fi lls the page, use
the ARROW KEYPAD to scroll through the entire list. As you’re
scrolling through the list, use the ENTER key to display a detail
map for any selected turn.
Turn Instructions
Turn Direction
Time to Next Turn
Distance to Turn
Final Destination
Scroll Bar
The Next Turn Page appears immediately prior to reaching
each turn.
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