
Main Menu
Track Tab— divided into two separate screens: ‘Active’ and ‘Saved’. ‘Active’ displays available track
log memory, recording mode and has on-screen buttons for clear or save the track log data. ‘Saved’
displays a list of any saved track logs.
A track log is an electronic “breadcrumb trail” recording of the path you have traveled. The ‘Active’
screen lets you specify whether or not to record a track log and defi ne how it is recorded. The active
track log can store up to 2500 position points.
To defi ne how a track log is recorded or shut the feature off:
1. From the ‘Track’ tab, use the ARROW KEYPAD to select the ‘Active’ tab at the top of the page.
2. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the fi eld under ‘Record Mode’ and press ENTER. A list of
recording options appears.
3. To turn track log recording off: select ‘Off’ and press ENTER.
4. To continuously record track log data, overwriting the oldest data in memory with new data: select
‘Wrap’ and press ENTER.
5. To record track log data only until track log memory is full: select ‘Fill’ and press ENTER.
6. With ‘Wrap’ or ‘Fill’ selected above, highlight ‘Interval’, select ‘Distance’, ‘Time’ or ‘Resolution’, and
press ENTER. (‘Time’ allows you to specify a time interval between recorded points. ‘Distance’ adds
a new track point once you have traveled the specifi ed distance. ‘Resolution’ adds a new track point
only if you deviate off a projected course, left or right, the specifi ed distance.)
7. The ‘Value’ fi eld allows you to specify the desired time interval or distance. Use the ARROW KEYPAD
and ENTER to input the desired setting.
To clear active track log memory:
1. From the ‘Track’ tab, use the ARROW KEYPAD to select the ‘Active’ tab at the top of the page.
2. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to select the on-screen ‘Clear’ tab and press ENTER.
The active track log can be saved for later use. You must save the active track log to use the TracBack
navigation feature. A saved log will contain up to 500 position points.
To save the active track log:
1. From the ‘Track’ tab, use the ARROW KEYPAD to select the ‘Active’ tab at the top of the page.
2. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to select the on-screen ‘Save’ tab and press ENTER.
Track Tab
The ‘Track’ tab shows information on the track log currently
being recorded (active) and any saved track logs.
The ‘Wrap’ setting will continuously record track log points,
overwriting the oldest data in memory with new information.
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