Main Menu
Flights Tab
Flights Tab— displays a list of any recorded fl ights, including date, route of fl ight and fl ight time.
The GPSMAP 196 will save up to 50 recorded fl ights. Selecting any listed item provides additional
fl ight information, including fl ight distance. Entries on this list are automatically created for each fl ight
(but only in Aviation Mode). Recording begins when your speed exceeds 30 knots and you gain 500’ of
altitude. The ‘Route of Flight’ information will use the nearest airport as the departure airport. The desti-
nation airport is continuously updated as your fl ight progresses. If you land and groundspeed drops
below 30 knots, the fl ight entry is saved and a new entry will be recorded when you depart the airport.
(Touch-and-goes or brief stops of less than ten minutes will append to the current fl ight record, rather
than start a new entry.)
To view details for a saved fl ight:
1. From the ‘Flights’ tab, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the the desired fl ight and press ENTER.
2. With ‘OK’ highlighted, press ENTER to return to the ‘Flights’ Tab.
An optional FlightBook software package is available to further simplify your fl ight recordkeeping.
For additional detail about FlightBook, visit the Garmin website at http://www.garmin.com/aviation.
Flights Tab Options
The GPSMAP 196’s Flights tab features an options page that provides access to functions relating to
the Flights tab.
To display the Flights Tab options, press MENU (with the Flights Tab information
To select a menu option, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the desired option and
press ENTER.
The following options are available:
• Delete Flight— deletes the highlighted fl ight record from memory.
• Delete All— deletes all fl ight records from memory.
Flight records include point of origin, fi nal destination, fl ight
time and distance, date and aircraft identifi cation. Aircraft ID is
derived from the currently selected aircraft profi le (see page 79).
Select ‘Delete All’ to remove the saved fl ight records
from memory.
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