Main Menu
Celes Tab— divided into three separate screens: ‘Sun & Moon’, ‘Hunt & Fish’ and ‘Tide’. ‘Sun &
Moon’ displays celestial data for sun rise/set, moon rise/set, moon phases and approximate skyview
locations for the sun and moon. The moon phase will display the current visible portion of the moon as
a light color. You may display this data for your current position, a position from the map, or a waypoint
location. Also, you may select a different date and time, or use the current date.
To choose another position:
1. From the ‘Celes’ tab, use the ARROW KEYPAD to select ‘Sun & Moon’ at the top of the page.
2. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the ‘From’ fi eld and press ENTER.
3. The Find Menu appears. See page 54 for more information on using the Find Menu.
The location used for Sun & Moon calculation appears in the ‘From’ fi eld. The timetables displayed
will be based upon your current time zone. When using a position from another location outside of
your time zone, you will need to set the Time Zone for that location under the ‘Setup’ tab on the Main
Menu (see page 93).
To change the time or date:
1. From the ‘Celes’ tab, use the ARROW KEYPAD to select ‘Sun & Moon’ at the top of the page.
2. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the date or time fi eld and press ENTER.
3. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to enter a new date or time. Press ENTER when fi nished.
To use current date and time:
1. From the ‘Celes’ tab, use the ARROW KEYPAD to select ‘Sun & Moon’ at the top of the page.
2. Press MENU, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight ‘Use Current Date and Time’ and press ENTER.
The skyview display showing the location of the sun and moon in the sky can be oriented with
North at the top of the screen, or rotated to the top of the screen is the direction you’re currently travel-
ling (track).
To change the skyview orientation:
1. From the ‘Celes’ tab, use the ARROW KEYPAD to select ‘Sun & Moon’ at the top of the page.
2. Press MENU, then use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight ‘North Up’ or ‘Track Up’ and press ENTER.
Celes Tab
The Sun & Moon screen displays the overhead location of the
sun and/or moon.
Sun & Moon information can be displayed for any location or
any time and date.
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