Jeppesen Database Information
The following available fuels will appear under the ‘Airport’ tab:
Av (Avgas, 80/87 octane, 100LL or 100-130), Jet (Jet A, Jet A-1 or
Jet A+) and Mo (Mogas or 87 octane unleaded).
Under the ‘Runway’ tab:
Runway surface types include: hard, turf, sealed, gravel, dirt, soft,
unknown and water.
Runway lighting types include: part time, full time, pilot-controlled
(with frequency), no lighting and unknown.
Direct To ( D )
Press and hold the DIRECT TO key to display the detailed
waypoint information pages for your destination waypoint.
Then use the ARROW KEYPAD to select the tabs across the
top of the page.
The DIRECT TO key can also be used to retrieve detailed information for your destination waypoint
(or the next waypoint in a route). You will fi nd this feature handy for retrieving navaid frequencies or air-
port information, such as communication frequencies, runway information, fi eld elevation or available fuels.
To view the Jeppesen database information for a destination airport or navaid:
1. Press and hold DIRECT TO to display the waypoint information pages.
2. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to select the desired fi le tab at the top of the page.
3. Use the UP/DOWN portion of the ARROW KEYPAD to scroll through available frequencies on the
‘Comm’ fi le tab.
4. When viewing information for the ‘Runway’ or ‘Approach’ fi le tabs, use the ARROW KEYPAD to
highlight the runway designation or approach name and press ENTER. Then use the UP/DOWN por-
tion of the ARROW KEYPAD to scroll through available runways/approaches. Choose the runway or
approach you wish to see additional information for, and press ENTER to remove the list window.
The layout of the information pages will change based upon the type of waypoint selected. The
identifi er will always appear at the top of the page and an on-screen ‘GOTO’ button will appear at the
The following fi le tabs and information will appear for airports on the waypoint information pages:
• Airport— identifi er, facility name, city/state/country, CTAF or tower frequency, available fuels,
fi eld elevation and airport position (latitude/longitude).
• Comm— identifi er, frequency and frequency type. Available frequency types are: ATIS, Pre-taxi,
Clearance, Ground, Tower, Unicom, Multicom, AWOS, ASOS, Departure, Approach, Arrival,
Class B, Class C, TMA, CTA and TRSA.
• Runway— identifi er, runway designations, runway layout (map), surface type, lighting, length,
width and airport position (lattitude/longitude).
• Approach— appears ONLY if the airport has a published approach. Shows identifi er, approach
name, approach waypoints and airport position (lattitude/longitude). Available approach types
include ILS, localizer, RNAV, GPS, VOR, VOR/DME and NDB.
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