Release K.13.19 Enhancements
Remember to enclose the command being aliased in quotes.
Command parameters for the aliased command can be added at the end of the alias command string.
For example:
ProCurve(config)# alias shoconfig “show config”
ProCurve(config)# shoconfig status
To change the command that is aliased, re-execute the alias name with new command options. The
new options are used when the alias is executed.
To display the alias commands that have been configured, enter the show alias command.
Figure 27. Example of Alias Commands and Their Configurations
■ Enhancement (PR_0000000818) — This enhancement allows the user to enter addresses
and filter parameters for syslog using SNMP, which allows more options for remote access
and management of the switch.
Configure Logging via SNMP
Debug messages generated by the software can be sent to a syslog server. This feature provides the
ability to enter addresses and filter parameters for syslog using SNMP, which allows more options
for remote access and management of the switch. The HP enterprise MIB hpicfSyslog.mib is added
to allow the configuration and monitoring of syslog. (RFC 3164 supported)
The CLI has some additional parameters to permit interoperability with SNMP that are explained
ProCurve(config)# show alias
Name Command
-------------------- ------------------------------
showint show int
showintstatus show int custom 1-4 port name:4 type vlan intrusion
speed enabled mdi