
Release K.12.05 Enhancements
Release K.12.05 Enhancements
Release K.12.05 includes the following enhancement:
Enhancement (PR_1000408960) — RADIUS-Assigned GVRP VLANs enhancement. For
more information, see “How RADIUS-Based Authentication Affects VLAN Operation” below.
How RADIUS-Based Authentication Affects VLAN Operation
Using a RADIUS server to authenticate clients, you can provide port-level security protection from
unauthorized network access for the following authentication methods:
802.1X: Port-based or client-based access control to open a port for client access after
authenticating valid user credentials.
MAC address: Authenticates a device’s MAC address to grant access to the network.
Web-browser interface: Authenticates clients for network access using a Web page for user
priority < 0.15 >
MSTP uses this parameter to determine the port(s) to use for forwarding. The
port with the lowest assigned value has the highest priority. While the actual
priority range is 0 to 240, this command specifies the priority as a multiplier
(0-15) of 16. That is, when you specify a priority multiplier of 0-15, the actual
priority assigned to the switch is:
(priority-multiplier) x 16 = priority
The default priority-multiplier value is 8.
For example, if you configure “2” as the priority multiplier for a given port,
then the actual priority is 32. Thus, after you specify the port priority
multiplier, the switch displays the actual port priority (and not the multiplier)
in the show spanning-tree config display. You can view the actual multiplier
setting for ports by executing show running and looking for an entry in this form:
spanning-tree <port-list> priority <priority-multiplier>
For example, configuring port 2 with a priority multiplier of “3” results in this
line in the
show running-config output:
spanning-tree B2 priority 3