
Release K.12.02 Enhancements
In addition to the updates listed above, K.12.01 also provides the following enhancements:
Enhancement (PR_1000298920) — A ping request issued to a VLAN which is down will
now return a more specific message; instead of "request timed out," the message "The
destination address is unreachable" will be displayed.
Enhancement (PR_1000373226) — Support was added for the ProCurve 100-FX SFP-LC
Transceiver (J9054B).
Enhancement (PR_1000376626) — Enhance CLI qos dscp-map help and show dscp-map
text to warn the user that inbound classification based on DSCP code points only occurs if
qos type-of-service diff-services is also configured.
Release K.12.02 Enhancements
No enhancements, software fixes only.
Release K.12.03 Enhancements
Release K.12.03 includes the following enhancements:
Enhancement (PR_1000379804) — Historical information about MAC addresses that
have been moved has been added to the show tech command output.
Enhancement (PR_1000398393) — For the interface <port-list> speed-duplex command,
added the auto-10-100 configuration option to constrain a link to 10/100 Mbps speed and allow
a more rapid linkup process when 1000 Mbps operation is not possible.
Enhancement (PR_1000404544) — Provides TCP/UDP port range prioritization in the qos
command; the range option assigns an 802.1p priority to (IPv4) TCP or UDP packets
associated with a range of TCP/UDP ports.
qos <udp-port | tcp-port> < tcp/udp port number | range <tcp/udp port number > <tcp/udp port
number > > priority < 0 - 7>
Controlled Directions
Web/MAC Auth:
Allows you to use the aaa port-access controlled-directions command to
configure how a port transmits traffic before it successfully authenticates
a client and enters the authenticated state. This feature is available for both
802.1X and Web/MAC authorization.
Note on Manual Updates: In addition to the above updates to the manuals, the chapter on ACLs has been
moved from the Advanced Traffic Management Guide to the Access Security Guide. The Access Security
Guide also provides a new introductory “Security Overview” chapter, plus a new chapter on “Advanced
Threat Protection” covering topics such as DHCP Snooping and Dynamic Arp Protection.
Software Manual/