
Known Issues
Release K.13.02
Config Transfer (PR_1000781004) — The switch allows a config file transfer to set an
invalid speed-duplex setting on a 100FX SFP.
Config Transfer (PR_1000781031) — When the valid port setting 'auto-1000' is configured
for a 10/100/1000 interface and the configuration gets copied to the switch, the port setting
is altered to 'auto.'
Config Transfer (PR_1000781011) — A config file copied to the switch allows an entry
to enable flow control on a half-duplex interface. However, flow control on a half-duplex
interface is disabled, as specified by IEEE 802.3 Annex 31B.
CLI (PR_1000775644) — When flow control is enabled, the output from a show int brief
CLI command inaccurately indicates that flow control is off.
Release K.13.02
The following are known issues in release K.13.02 or newer.
ACL Mirrors: Beginning with K.13.02 software, ACLs can only be mirrored to a single
Release K.13.01
The following are known issues in release K.13.01 or newer.
Rate-Limiting: The "bps" mode for Ingress/Egress Rate-Limiting has been removed from
the MIB, from the config, and as a CLI option (help-text also updated). Bandwidth is now
measured in KBPS. Configurations which have rate-limiting configured in bps units will be
successfully converted to the updated unit of measurement as the software is updated from
K.11.xx or K.12.xx to K.13.xx.
PCM+ USB Autorun (PR_1000767612) — Issuing the command copy startup-config usb
test may crash the switch when executed in a PCM+ Autorun cmd file. The crash message
is similar to:
PPC Data Storage (Bus Error) exception vector 0x300:
Restriction in number of ACL mirror destinations — The K.13.01 software introduced
a new restriction to a single ACL mirror destination. K.12 versions of software allowed up
to 4 ACL mirror destinations. Users with multiple ACL mirror sessions must edit their
configurations so that they contain only a single mirror destination prior to updating to
K.13.01 or newer software. If a switch with multiple ACL mirror destinations is updated from
K.12.xx to K.13.01 or newer, only the first destination will function. The additional mirror
sessions will have to be edited out of the configuration offline, and the valid configuration
then loaded onto the switch.