The trace feature has different levels of control to allow you to dynamically select the amount and/or
type of tracing information to be generated.
Types of Traces
The following types of traces are available:
• Application
• Module
"Application" is used to specify the application for which tracing should be configured.
The amount of applications listed may change. The numbers that represent different applications may
change between releases. Check application and module number assignments using CLI help before
setting a trace level.
"Module" is used to specify what module of code (library), in the selected application for which tracing
should be configured.
The number of modules may change between releases. The numbers assigned to modules may also
change. Check module number assignments using CLI help before setting trace levels.
Trace Levels
"Trace-Level" is used to specify the verbosity of the output. You can specify different levels of
verbosity to control the amount of the tracing information that is generated.
When you select a level or tracing, the information at the specified level and below is shown.
For example, if you are only interested in seeing information that belongs to the VERBOSE category,
you can dynamically set the control to VERBOSE. The trace software will then display information in
the VERBOSE, TERSE and VERY_TERSE categories.
Trace levels are described in the following table:
Table 14-1: Trace Level Descriptions
Trace Level Description
NO_DISPLAY No tracing information will be generated. This is the default setting to
ensure the best SM performance.
VERY_TERSE Not currently used.
TERSE This level is used to generate the basic flow of MAD packet as it goes
through the Subnet Manager state machine. Verbose description will
be made to the success or failure of the MAD packet. For example, a
PathRecord lookup failure will include description on the cause of the
failure (SGID is not found in database, DGID is not found in database,
no component is specified in the component mask.) instead of simple
success or failure code.
VERBOSE This level shows the MAD management class header information.
VERY_VERBOSE This level shows the MAD in a decoded format according to the
decoding algorithm.
SCREAM This level shows the MAD in its raw format.