6. Set the IP address and netmask. The following address is an example.
7. Set the default gateway address. This address is an example.
8. Enable the management port
9. Test IP connectivity by pinging the management station.
10. You must save the configuration persistently by using the
You are now ready to power down the chassis and mount it. Later, you can configure the box via
Telnet, SSH, Chassis Manager or Element Manager.
Configuring a Direct Serial-Console Connection
Refer to the HP Serial Management Cable Guide for information regarding setting up the physical
serial-console connection.
Remote Telnet Login
You can Telnet to the Management-Ethernet port on the box from a host on the same network as the
Management-Ethernet port, or from any host with a route to the Management-Ethernet network.
To run the CLI remotely:
1. Open a terminal or terminal emulator window.
For example: from the command line, enter the telnet command with the IP address, or network
name, of the Management-Ethernet port.
The CLI login prompt (Login: ) is displayed.
2. Enter a CLI user name.
The CLI password prompt (Password:) is displayed.
3. Enter the CLI user password.
The prompt changes to indicate a successful login. The system is now ready to receive CLI
Remote SSH Login
TopspinOS supports SSH2 for secure, encrypted login to the CLI. SSH is enabled by default, and does
not require additional configuration.
Topspin-360(config)# interface mgmt-ethernet
Topspin-360(config mgmt-ethernet)# ip address
Topspin-360(config mgmt-ethernet)# gateway
Topspin-360(config mgmt-ethernet)# no shutdown
Topspin-360(config mgmt-ethernet)# exit all
Topspin-360> ping
sending 5 ICMP Echos to, 56 data bytes
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.000000/0.000000/0.000000 ms
Topspin-360(config mgmt-ethernet)# exit
Topspin-360# copy running-config startup-config
# telnet