
Standby Subnet Manager
A standby subnet manager is a subnet manager (SM) that is currently quiescent, and not in the role of a
master SM. Standby SMs are dormant managers, and can take over in case of failure of the master
subnet manager.
Viewing the Subnet Manager Configurations
View a Summary of Subnet Management
1. Launch the Element Manager, if you have not already done so.
2. Select InfiniBand > Subnet Management
The Subnet Management window appears.
3. View a summary of the current subnet manager(s).
4. Continue to “View Details of Subnet Management” on page 62 to view details of the subnet
View Details of Subnet Management
5. Open a summary view of the subnet management. Refer to “View a Summary of Subnet
Management” on page 62.
6. Click on a specific subnet manager from the left navigation bar.