The Subnet Management General tab appears.
3. Click into the Master Poll Interval field to change the interval (in seconds) at which the master
SM polls an active slave SM to verify synchronization.
4. Click into the Master Poll Retries field to specify the number of unanswered polls that cause the
slave to identify the master as dead.
5. Click into the Max active SMs field to specify the maximum number of standby SMs that the
master supports. Backup SMs are not considered “active.” To set a maximum number of backup
SMs, refer to “Set Configurations for the Backup SM” on page 68.
6. Click the Apply button to save changes.
Set Configurations for the Backup SM
1. Select InfiniBand > Subnet Management.
The Subnet Management window appears.
2. Highlight the subnet manager that you want to configure from the left-navigation bar.
The Subnet Management General tab appears.