
Sensory testing
Body Odor
Odor level testing was conducted in jars set up spe-
cially for headspace odor
testing. Sensory evalua-
tion was run 20 hours
after the jars had been
set up to allow for ade-
quate equilibration. 20
panelists participated in
headspace odor level
testing. The malodor in
the headspace was iso-
valeric acid vapor
(Synthetic Sweat Odor)
that had passed through the filter material.
Untreated filter media was tested vs filter media
treated with baking soda. The chart shows the
average odor levels reported by panelists. A 1 to 10
scale was used, where 1 is no malodor and 10 is
extreme malodor. The difference in scores was sta-
tistically significant at the 99% confidence level.
Strong Food Odor
Deodorization testing was run in sensory rooms. In
each room, a malodor source consisting of 100
grams of sauerkraut was placed behind a 20”x20”
box fan which recirculated the air. Attached to the
outlet of each fan was a
20”x20” filter. A filter
treated with baking soda
was attached to one and
an untreated filter
attached to the other.
The graph here illus-
trates results as rated by
20 panelists. Levels of
odor were rated on a 1 to
10 scale. Initially (after 1
hour), both rooms showed a high level of malodor.
As time passed, the room with the baking soda
treated filter generated lower odor scores. The 18
hour score is statistically significant at the 90% con-
fidence level.
Urine Odor
Cat urine was tested
using the same appara-
tus and method as the
sauerkraut test. The
odor source was a 6”x6”
carpet swatch that had
been sprayed with 0.70
grams of cat urine. The
chart at left shows the
perceived odor levels in
the rooms. The differ-
ences in score for hours
1 and 5 are statistically significant at the 90% con-
fidence level.
Media specification
The filter media shall be manufactured using fine
grain sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) at a rate of
2 grams per square foot of media. The baking soda
will be uniform through the thickness of the media.
A majority of individual media fibers will be coated
with the fine-grained baking soda. The sodium
bicarbonate coating will be adhered to the fibers.
Proof of fiber coating and uniformity through the
media is to be given in the form of electron micro-
scopic photographs. The media will have a mini-
mum SO2 efficiency of 40% at one hour when test-
ed at the National Ambient Air Quality Standard
(NAAQS) at 1000 cfm.
051015 20 25
2.5 g Filter Tested at 0.15 ppm SO
at 1000 cfm, 72º F, 62% RH
Fractional Penetration
024 6810121416
Time (H)
0.1 1 10
Fractional Efficiency (%)
Fractional Efficiency vs. Particle Diameter
Particle Diameter
PH Odor Control Pleat
Standard 30% Pleat
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
the filter and hvac store