Flanders manufactures both conventional Separator
Style and Pureform Separatorless 95 DOP Filters. To
make a Separator Style filter, the media is folded over
corrugated aluminum separators with hemmed edges
to separate the pleats in the filter pack. Flanders
manufactures its own filter media, enabling it to
develop a unique manufacturing process for the pro-
duction of Pureform Separatorless 95 DOP Filters. In
one manufacturing operation, Flanders produces a
self-supporting and self-separating Pureform Media
The Pureform Filter offers many advantages over con-
ventional Separator Style 95% DOP Filters:
• Increased usable media area affords longer service
life and higher dust holding capacity
• Maximum utilization of the media
• Can handle some harsh environments which may
attack aluminum separators
• Media pack can be incinerated
• Media is 28 mils, significantly thicker than conven-
tional media used in Separator Style 95 DOP Filters
(15 mil)
• 11” deep PUREFORM Pack has 261 sq. ft. of media
as compared to 175 sq. ft. for a conventional
Separator Style filter.
• Ideal for heavy loading applications such as oil mist.
Alpha 95 Filter Dimensions and Capacities
Filter Depth Filter Size and Frame Actual Face Size CFM Capacity at Clean Weight
(inches) Depth Designator (Inches Pressure Drop, Inches w.g. (lbs)
.90 1.45 1.90
11-1/2 GG-F 24x24 1375 2000 2560 38
GC-F 24x12 650 920 1180 26
YY-F 23-3/8x23-3/8 1350 1900 2450 37
YUF 23-3/8x11-3/8 610 865 1150 25
GN-F 24x30 1750 2550 3250 45
CC-F` 12x12 290 430 550 14
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL