
Pleated Panel Filters
Models E35-xxxxx
Flanders E35 extended surface pleated filters are
designed to operate in most installations. Available
in 1”, 2”, and 4” nominal thickness, these filters
have an average atmospheric dust spot efficiency
range of 25-30% per ASHRAE Standard 52.1 test
methods. E35 filters offer greater efficiency and
service life than disposable filters, pad and frame
systems, or metal washable filters. The overall
design of this product makes E35 filters the accept-
ed choice in applications requiring high perform-
ance and extended service.
These filters are suitable for variable air volume
systems. Operating face velocity ranges are from 0
to 500 fpm for 1” and 2” filters, and from 0 to 625
fpm for 4” filters. Each filter contains 11 pleats per
lineal foot. E35 filters are UL 900 Class 2 listed.
Most heating, air conditioning, or ventilating sys-
tems can be upgraded with the use of E35 filters in
place of existing flat panel types. The inherent
strength of the filter allows for easy changeout as it
will not collapse, warp, or bend in normal service.
E35 filters are available in a wide range of sizes
and will fit most commercial and industrial installa-
tions with little or no system modification.
Fasteners are available to adapt the E35 filter to
existing filter banks.
Installation Considerations
E35 pleated filters are suitable as primary filters
and can be installed in Type 9 Holding Frames, K-
Track Framing Modules, Surepleat Side Access
Housings and similar existing hardware. They may
be used as prefilters for Flanders Precision Pak,
PrecisionCell and Rigid-Air filters in these framing
systems and in Sureseal Side Access Housings.
E35 filter frames are constructed from moisture
resistant chipboard. Perforated steel support grilles
on the upstream and downstream sides provide
extra rigidity and strength. The entire unit is sealed
to insure a positive media-to-frame bond, eliminat-
ing the possibility of air bypass. The filter media is
a high loft reinforced non-woven cotton/synthetic
blend. It is continuously laminated to an expanded
metal grid on the air leaving side to provide pleat
stability throughout the life of the filter and to pre-
vent media flutter while in operation. The E35 V
wedge pleat allows for total media usage and pro-
vides maximum airflow and dust holding capacity.
Important Features
•V-wedge pleats minimize end losses
and reduce pressure drop.
Expanded metal grid prevents media flutter
while in operation.
Perforated steel support grilles strengthen
the frame.
Filter media pack is sealed to eliminate air
•Average ASHRAE efficiency is 25-30%.
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
the filter and hvac store