Service Rolls
Flanders Service Rolls air filtration media are man-
ufactured in selected widths, prepared in roll
lengths that make manageable roll sizes. In most
cases, a single cut across the roll will produce a
ready-to-install filter pad.
The following media are offered as service rolls:
Spun Glass:
(Models SGxxxxKK) This is a rigid, nominal
3/8” thick, dry spun glass. It is typically used to
make rigid pads for use in room unit air condition-
ers. It is designed for use without a frame. Since it
is untreated, it will not harm the plastic frequently
used in the construction of room units.
Foam: (Models FRxxxxx) A rugged polyurethane foam
that is designed for use in room unit air conditioners
and in pad-holding frames. It is washable and will
withstand repeated cleaning with mild soap and
water. Foam service rolls are available in 1/4”, 1/2”,
1” and 2” media thicknesses. They are washable for
repeat use.
Aluminum: (Models EAxx) The aluminum service roll is
an expanded aluminum mesh of the type used in
room unit air conditioners. It is a nominal 1/4” thick
dry filter media that requires the addition of a dust
adhesive for effective filtration.
Kwik Kuts
(Models KKxxx)
These are 15”x24” pads of filter media that can be
easily cut to fit any window or wall mounted room
air conditioner. They are offered in the same spun
glass, foam and aluminum media described above.
Also offered are 1/2” Permaire (see column at
right) and plastic-backed foam.
Hammock Rolls and Pads
Models HRxxxx
Flanders hammock rolls are available in nominal 1”
spun glass, 2” spun glass, and 1” polyester syn-
thetic fiber media. Performance data on all
Flanders hammock media is available upon
Kwik Kuts, Hammock, Permaire and
Service Rolls and Pads
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL