
Chemical Media for
Gaseous Contaminant Removal
Models TS-*-B1
(Where * indicates chemical media designator. See price book.)
General Applications
Techsorb chemical media is specifically formulated
to control application specific nuisance and harmful
vapors. It is supplied in bulk form and may be
incorporated into Flanders gas phase media trays.
Considering the wide range of applications and that
contaminants are rarely singular in nature, Flanders
will provide application assistance that may be
required. When dealing with gaseous contamina-
tion control, particulate control or contaminant cap-
ture effectiveness, Flanders has a proven track
record to support your requirements.
Shelf Life
Techsorb chemical media is a very active material
that readily reacts with many airborne constituents.
Therefore, only the containers actually required for
the application should be opened. As shipped in
sealed containers, Techsorb has a shelf life of 18-
24 months.
Media Types and Applications
Techsorb TS-101 is a dry, activated alumina medi-
um, designed to be used in applications for the
removal of gaseous vapors such as hydrogen sul-
fide, mercaptans, sulfur dioxide and other malodor-
ous and corrosive contaminants.
Techsorb TS-101 has been used extensively in
applications ranging from Indoor Air Quality to
Corrosion Control and from Toxic Contaminants
Control to Industrial Odor Control. Within this broad
range of applications, it has been used to control
formaldehyde odors in autopsy wards and funeral
homes; odors from convalescent facilities, allowing
the reuse of ventilation air; in shopping malls to
prevent the cross contamination of food odors and
clothing shops; industrial computer rooms for the
prevention of electronics corrosion due to the high-
ly reactive sulfides; in pharmaceutical facilities and
pet stores for the control of fugitive odor emissions.
Techsorb TS-201 is a dry, granular, activated car-
bon chemical medium, designed to be used in air
filter service for the removal of gaseous vapors
such as volatile organic compounds (VOC’s).
Typical VOCs controlled include benzene, ethyl-
benzene, toluene and xylene. Other organics con-
trolled include organo-sulfides such as dimethyl
sulfide and methyl mercaptan in pulp and paper mill
Techsorb TS-201 has been used extensively in
applications ranging from Indoor Air Quality to
Industrial Odor Control. The primary application is
for the control of volatile organic gases found in
indoor environments associated with renovation
activities, new materials of construction and parti-
cleboard furnishings. This material is also ideal for
controlling odors associated with cleaning solvents,
hobby materials and automobile exhaust fumes.
Electronic office equipment odors such as ozone
and VOC’s are readily removed using TS-201
chemical media.
Techsorb TS-202 is a dry, granular, activated car-
bon chemical medium, designed to be used in air
filter service for the removal of acid gases and
vapors such as hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, sul-
fur dioxide and other malodorous and corrosive
contaminants such as HCI and CIO2.
Techsorb TS-202 has been used extensively in
applications ranging from Corrosion Control to
Industrial Odor Control. The primary application is
for the control of corrosive gases within heavy
industries such as Pulp and Paper, Sewage
Treatment, Primary Metals, Chemical manufactur-
ing as well as oil and gas processing. Additionally,
it is used in Sewage Treatment and rendering
Facilities for the control of malodorous exhaust
emissions, either alone or as a polishing filter sys-
tem to wet scrubbers.
Techsorb TS-204 is a dry, granular, activated car-
bon chemical medium, designed to be used in air
filter service for the removal of alkaline gases and
vapors such as ammonia and light organic amines.
Applications include odor control associated with
animal storage areas and process protection within
the semiconductor industry.
(Continued on following page.)
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
the filter and hvac store