Parameter Description Value
CTRM—Child Process terminated.
CUKN—Child Process unknown status.
CXIT—Child Process exited.
DELP—The delete Process command issued.
FLSP—The flush Process command issued.
FMRV—Error occurred in function management.
information receive operation.
FMSD—Error occurred in function management.
information send operation.
GPRC—Error occurred while getting Process.
IFED—The if statement ended.
LSST—The record ID of a step on the local node.
LIEX—License expired.
LWEX—License expires within 14 days.
NINF—Sterling Connect:Direct information
generated at startup.
NMOP—Network map file opened.
NMPR—The network map is updated through
Sterling Connect:Direct Browser User Interface,
Sterling Control Center Console, or KQV
NUIC—Initialization complete.
NUIS—Initialization started.
NUTC—Termination completed.
NUTS—Termination started.
PERR—Process error.
PFLS—Process flushed.
PRED—Process ended.
PRIN—Process interrupted.
PSAV—Process saved.
28 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide