Platform C++ Compile Command
64-bit /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -xarch=generic64 -DBSD_COMP -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C
-L/usr/ucblib/sparcv9 -L/usr/lib/sparcv9
-L/usr/ucblib/amd64 -lsocket -lrpcsoc -lnsl -lelf -ldl
-R/usr/ucblib/sparcv9 -R/usr/ucblib/amd64
32-bit /opt/aCC/bin/aCC -AA -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a -lrpcsoc -lnsl -ldld
64-bit /opt/aCC/bin/aCC -AA +DD64 -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi64.a
-L/usr/lib/pa20_64 -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s
32-bit /opt/aCC/bin/aCC -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a -lrpcsoc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s
64-bit /opt/aCC/bin/aCC +DD64 -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi64.a -L/usr/lib/hpux64
-lrpcsvc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s -lunwind
32-bit g++ -m32 -I../include -O -DLINUX -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a -ldl -lnss_nis
Note: If you are compiling for Linux z/OS, change -m32 to -m31.
64-bit g++ -I../include -O -DLINUX -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi64.a -ldl -lnss_nis
Note: A 64-bit Linux OS installation is required to compile 64-bit binaries.
To build a C++ program using the C API calls, such as the apicheck.C sample
program, replace the sdksample.C parameter with the name of the C++ program
and rename the output file parameter, -o sdksample, to the name of the output file
you want to create such as apicheck.
Use the commands defined in the following table to compileaCprogram:
Platform C Compile Command
32-bit /usr/vacpp/bin/xlc -I../include -+ -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -lbsd -ldl -lsrc -lC -lpthreads
64-bit /usr/vacpp/bin/xlc -q64 -I../include -+ -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -lbsd -ldl -lsrc -lC
32-bit /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -DBSD_COMP -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -L/usr/ucblib
-L/usr/lib -lCstd -lsocket -lrpcsoc -lnsl -lelf -ldl -lCrun
Note: If /usr/ucblib is not in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, add -R/usr/ucblib to the compile
64-bit /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -xarch=generic64 -DBSD_COMP -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c
-L/usr/ucblib/sparcv9 -L/usr/lib/sparcv9
-L/usr/ucblib/amd64 -lsocket -lCstd -lCrun -lrpcsoc -lnsl -lelf -ldl
-lCrun -R/usr/ucblib/sparcv9 -R/usr/ucblib/amd64
60 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide