To specify a customized table for data translation, include the following sysopts
subparameter in the copy statement, where pathname/filename identifies the
translation table:
copy from file=filename
to file=filename
Refer to the UNIX section of the IBM
Sterling Connect:Direct Processes Web site
at http://www.sterlingcommerce.com/documentation/processes/
processhome.html for additional details concerning translation table specification
with a copy statement.
Translation Table Error Messages
The following table displays the error messages that are generated by ndmxlt:
Diagnostic Number Description
XXLT001I Invalid directive
XXLT002I Input file open error
XXLT003I Model file open error
XXLT004I Invalid filler value
XXLT005I Invalid offset value
XXLT006I Invalid radix value
XXLT007I Invalid table value
XXLT008I Table data out of bounds
Accessing Sterling Connect:Direct Messages
The Sterling Connect:Direct message file contains records with text for all
messages, including errors and messages from Sterling Connect:Direct servers
other than the host server. You can add and delete message records with a text
editor. The message file resides in d_dir/ndm/cfg/cd_node/msgfile.cfg. You can
display message text with the ndmmsg command.
Message File Content
The message file is structured much the same way as other Sterling Connect:Direct
configuration files. Each record is a logical line in a text file that consists of one or
more physical lines. Each record has a unique name, a message ID, and fields that
make up the message text.
The message record definitions provide for symbolic substitution, which permits
including actual file names or other variable information within the text to more
specifically identify a problem. Symbolic variables begin with the ampersand
character (&).
The format of Sterling Connect:Direct message IDs is listed in the following table:
X Indicates Sterling Connect:Direct
46 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide