Parameter Description Value
stopt Specifies that Sterling
Connect:Direct searches
for statistics records up to
and including the
designated date, day, and
time positional
parameters. If you do not
specify date or day, a
comma must precede
[date | day] [, hh:mm:ss [am|pm]]
date—Specifies the day (dd), month (mm), and
year (yy), which you can code as mm/dd/yyyy
or mm-dd-yyyy. If you only specify date, the
time defaults to 00:00:00. The current date is the
day—Specifies the day of the week. Values are
today, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday,
friday, saturday, and sunday.
hh:mm:ss [am | pm]—Specifies the time of day
in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss).
You can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour
format. If you use 12-hour format, then you must
specify am or pm. The default is the 24-hour
format. The default value is 00:00:00, which
indicates midnight. If you specify only the day
value, the time defaults to 00:00:00.
submitter Locate the statistics
records to select by the
node specification (the
Sterling Connect:Direct
node name) and user ID
of the Process owner. The
character length of the
parameter is unlimited.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the node
specification (the Sterling Connect:Direct node
name) and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for node
specification and user ID. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters, evaluates
to a list of zero or more node specifications and
user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification and
user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses, and
separate each value with a comma.
detail Specifies the type of
report (short or detailed)
that Sterling
Connect:Direct generates
for the selected Processes.
yes—Generates a detailed report.
no—Generates a short report. This is the default.
Generating a Detailed Output Report for a Process
You can use the select statistics command to generate a detailed report for a
Process. The following command generates a detailed report for Process number 9:
select statistics pnumber=9 detail=yes startt=(08/10/2008);
The report consists of all records from August 10, 2008.
A sample statistics output for two steps only is listed in the following section. Use
the table of recids in “Determining the Outcome of a Process” on page 26 to
interpret the Record ID. The Record ID can change for each Process step displayed.
The completion code indicates whether the Process executed successfully or
produced an error condition.
To display the long text of the message, issue the ndmmsg command.
32 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide