Parameter Description Value
PSTR—Process started.
QCEX—A Process moved from another queue to
the EXEC queue.
QCWA—A Process moved from another queue to
the WAIT queue.
QCTI—A Process moved from another queue to
the TIMER queue.
QCHO—A Process moved from another queue to
the HOLD queue.
RJED—The run job ended.
RNCF—Remote node connection failed.
RSST—The record ID of a step on the remote
RTED—The run task ended.
RTSY—Run task restarted. Resyncing with run
task that was executing.
SBED—The submit ended.
SELP—The select Process command issued.
SELS—The select statistics command issued.
SEND—Session ended.
SERR—System error.
SFSZ—Size of the file submitted.
SGON—User signed on using KQV Interface or
Command Line Interface.
SHUD—Shutdown occurred.
SIGC—Signal caught.
SSTR—Session start.
STOP—The stop command issued.
SUBP—The submit command issued.
TRAC—The trace command issued.
TZDI—The time zone of the local node
represented as the difference in seconds between
the time at the local node and the Coordinated
Universal Time.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 29