viii J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld B73.3 and Windows Terminal Server
The Team That Wrote This Redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center.
Figure 1. The Team (left to right), Credle, Parks, Rubio, Nguyen
Rufus Credle is an Advisory Software Engineer and certified Professional Server
Specialist at the International Technical Support Organization, Raleigh Center.
He conducts residencies and writes redbooks about IBM Netfinity servers and
network operating systems. Rufus’s various positions during his IBM career have
included assignments in administration and asset management, system
engineering, marketing and services. He holds a BS degree in Business
Management from Saint Augustine’s College. Rufus has been employed at IBM
for 19 years.
Craig Parks is a consultant with the IBM Global Service’s ERP Practice
specializing in J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld architecture. He has over 10 years of
experience with systems, networking hardware and software installations, and
management software on various platforms. He is a Certified Microsoft
Professional and Certified NetWare Engineer. He holds a BS degree in Computer
Science from the University of West Georgia.
Bryan Nguyen is an ERP Consultant for IBM Global Service, IT Infrastructure of
North America. He is a qualified engineer who specializes in the architecture of
J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld application. His strong knowledge of both software and
hardware is backed by nine years of industry experience of various platforms
such as Windows NT, UNIX, and Novell. He holds a Bachelor of Science in
Aerospace Engineering.