74 J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld B73.3 and Windows Terminal Server
Conference Room Pilot and Development Requirements:
Additional Information for Production Environment:
Will the Conference Room Pilot machine become
your production machine?
Ye s / N o
Peak active users on the CRP? World _________
OneWorld ________
Installation date for CRP?
Will you require a separate development or test
If Yes, for how many users?
Ye s/ No
OneWorld ____World ____
Is coexistence with WorldSoftware a requirement? Ye s/ No
What hardware do you have now?
If AS/400, give model number
Do you want a phased approach to sizing, and if
Yes, give active user number and dates for each
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Date for start of production
Growth projected one year after start of production
Example of Page 4 - Continued