Implementing Oracle8 and J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld 157
assignments available to all of the individual users belonging to that group. In our
example, we will create a user and assign that user to a group. However, the user
we create will have packages and environments assigned directly to its profile.
Profiles define certain setup and display features, such as language, date format,
and country code. Although we can set up numerous users (clients) for
OneWorld, our example demonstrates a basic overview of setting a group. For
more information and references, please refer to the User Profile Procedures
chapter of the
OneWorld Installation Guide (Windows NT Based-Systems),
Release B73.3
During user deployment, sign on to the deployment environment, DEPB733, of
the deployment server and perform the following steps to create a group and
1. At the deployment server, log on to the deployment environment by selecting
2. From the Advanced Operations menu (GH9011), select
User Profiles.
3. Click Find to view the existing user profiles. You will see a screen similar to
Figure 98:
Figure 98. User Profiles (Work With User Profiles) Screen
4. Click Add to create a new profile. You will see a screen similar to Figure 99 on
page 158.