Implementing Windows NT Terminal Server Edition 289
9.9 Configure Installation Planner for Windows NT Terminal Server
This section provides the necessary steps to create an installation plan to install
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. In Chapter 7,
“Implementing Oracle8 and J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld” on page 89 and Chapter 8,
“Implementing Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and OneWorld” on page 167, we created
an installation plan for OneWorld B73.3 using Oracle8 Enterprise Edition for
Windows NT and Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. In our example, the screens you will
see apply to our adding the Windows NT Terminal Server using SQL Server 7.0.
Since we initially had these environments set up, the following instructions are
based on our adding Windows NT Terminal Server to our previous installation
To add Windows Terminal Server to installation plan, complete the following
1. Sign on to OneWorld as user JDE with password JDE.
2. Access the planner environment (JDEPLAN).
3. From the System Installation Tools menu (GH961), double-click Custom
Installation. You will see a screen similar to Figure 263:
Figure 263. OneWorld Custom Installation Plan Screen
4. On Work with Installation Plans, click Find button to locate your plan. Click
Add. You will see a screen similar to Figure 264 on page 290.