114 J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld B73.3 and Windows Terminal Server
• From the command prompt, type svrmgr30 and press Enter.
• Type
connect internal and press Enter.
• Type in the internal password you chose when installing Oracle (for our
oneworld) and press Enter.
• Type
shutdown and press Enter.
• Type
startup and press Enter.
• Log in to SQL Plus 8.0 again.
7. Before running crtabsp.nt, you must read the information in the label box and
follow its instructions.
To run crtabsp.nt, type and execute the following example:
8. Before running crdbausr.nt, you must read the note and follow its instructions.
To run crdbausr.nt, type and execute the following example:
Note: This creates a Database Administrator (DBA) user called JDEDBA with
the appropriate privileges. The crdbausr.nt script is also in the deployment
server in OneWorld\B733\Database and must be run on the enterprise server.
View this file to ensure the tablespace names match those you created during
the Oracle8 install.
9. Before running crusrs.nt, you must read the note and follow its instructions.
To run crusrs.nt, type and execute the following example:
Note: This creates the remaining users and roles required for OneWorld.
Review and edit the script for your environment. Ensure the tablespace names
match those you created during the Oracle8 install. The crursrs.nt script is
located on the deployment server in the \OneWorld\B733\Database directory
path and must be run on the enterprise server.
10.Go to the deployment server. The final step in configuring the database is to
load the central objects. In this step, you modify batch files with the
The crtabsp.nt script will create the database tablespaces for OneWorld,
so before you run it view the script. You must manually create the
appropriate directory structure on the disk drive in the enterprise server
where you want these tablespaces created (for example, d:\orajde). Your
script should match that directory structure.
As a rule of thumb, you should put the index file and the data file on the
same tablespace on a different disk drive for performance reasons, if
possible. Also, look at the size of the data files and ensure you have
enough space to hold them. We also recommend you stay with the
directory naming convention in the script. Again, the crtabsp.nt script is
located on the deployment server in the \OneWorld\B733\Database
directory path and it must be run on the enterprise server.
This process
took approximately one hour to run on our machine
Must Read!