iVIEW-100 Series user’s Manual, 2006, v2.0 ----- 149
A.3.3 Type 3: Text & icon (character)
Function Description
UnderLine Give a begin point & length to print underline
TextOutAt Give (X,Y) to print char text
DrawText Give (X,Y) to print unsigned char text
LcdPrintfAt Give (X,Y) to print char text
IntOutAt Give (X,Y) & length to print integer number
RealOutAt Give (X,Y), length, decimal, float to print real
Give (X,Y) to print lamp icon, color: 1= , 0=
Func.: Give a begin point (X,Y) & length to print underline
int UnderLine(int X, int Y, int Len, int Color);
Header: #include ”mmi100.h”
X=1~16, Y=1~8 (character)
(1,1) is at the top-left of LCD, (16,8) is at the right-bottom.
Color on: color=1, Color off: color=0.
Length: Len=1~16 (character)
Note: X position plus length should not longer than 16+1
#include "mmi100.h"
#include "iview.h"
int main()
static uchar LampON[8] = {0X00, 0X5A, 0X24, 0X42,
0X42, 0X24, 0X5A, 0X00};
if(InitLCD()>0) Print("\nLCD wrong");
UnderLine(6, 2, 6, 1); /*underline the "ICPDAS"*/
TextOutAt(6, 2, "ICPDAS"); /*show char text*/
DrawText(6, 4, LampON); /*show unsigned char text*/
LcdPrintfAt(8, 4,"Hello"); /*show char text*/
IntOutAt(5, 5, 4, 2006 ); /*show inter number*/
RealOutAt(10,5, 4, 2 ,(float)2.0 ); /*show real number*/
lamp(8, 6, 1); /*show icon lamp, color=1*/
lamp(10, 6, 0); /*show icon lamp, color=0*/
return 0;