iVIEW-100 Series user’s Manual, 2006, v2.0 ----- 67
5.2.2 Using Turbo C
User can download Turbo C version 2.01 from the community website of Borland
company: http://community.borland.com/article/0,1410,20841,00.html
Here are the working steps to use TC 2.01.
Step 1: Copy the lib files, iviewL.lib & mmi100.lib, of iVIEW-100 to the
“lib” folder of TC.
Ex: Copy iviewL.lib & mmi100.lib to c:\tc\lib.
Step 2: Copy the .h files, iview.h & mmi100.h, of iVIEW-100 to the
“include” folder of TC.
Ex: Copy iview.h & mmi100.h to c:\tc\include.
Step 3: Set the file directory of TC to your working file directory.
Ex: File\Change dir\YOUR working directory.
Step 4: Edit the main program. Or you can copy the “HELLO1.C” file in
CD(…\iview100\iviewapp\TC\ ) to your working directory.