iVIEW-100 Series user’s Manual, 2006, v2.0 ----- 66
5.2 Compiler & linker
When compile and link your programs, you can use
TC 1.0~3.0, TC++
1.0~3.0, BC 2.0, BC++ 3.1~5.02, MSC 8.00c or MSVC++ 1.52.
User can
download the freeware, TC 2.01 and the TC++ 1.01, from the website
of Borland company: http://community.borland.com/museum.
5.2.1 Special settings and libraries information
Please take care of the following items:
1. Generate a standard DOS executable program.
2. Select CPU=80188/80186
3. Select EMULATION if the floating-point computation is required. (Cannot
select 8087)
4. Remove DEBUG INFORMATION to reduce program size. (MiniOS7 does not
support it)
MiniOS7 provides some special libraries to replace standard I/O-
libraries as following:
Standard I/O-library
is replaced
MiniOS7 provided IO-library
getch Getch
kbhit Kbhit
putchar Putch
ungetch Ungetch
puts Puts
printf Print
NOTE: We use '\n' in printf & puts for line changed displays. It
must be changed to '\n\r' or '\r\n' in the MiniOS7 environment.